Inline Filter System & 5 micron Cartridge
Inline Filter System Housing & 5 micron Cartridge.
This listing is for a 10" Housing with a 5 micron Carbon Cartridge Included
Other options are available as shown
The 10" filter housing is literally fitted in the line of pipework that feeds the cold side of the existing tap, the end result is that all the water that flows through the cold side of the main kitchen tap is filtered, thus eliminating the need to buy, position and fit an additional filter tap.
The 15mm supply pipe is fitted with an Isolation valve before entering the filter housing and the 15mm pipework continues from the Housing to the tap, very little mains pressure is lost at the tap but this is dependant on the type of cartridge used which there are several options available.
This 10" housing comes as standard complete with a 5 micron Carbon filter which removes the smell and taste of Chlorine, other filters are available such as the GAC Phosphate version which removes the smell and taste of Chlorine and also reduces the build up of Limescale.
The third option is a 0.9 micron rated Ceramic Bacteria removing cartridge which also removes the smell and taste of chlorine, the use of this cartridge will reduce the flow of water to the tap and may well prove to be unacceptable, the use of this cartridge may not be necessary if your supply of water is from the mains as the chlorine in the water kills off any bacteria that may be in the system anyway.
If your water is NOT from the mains and you consider you may need one of these cartridges, please ring us for further details on 0115 9460317